Assignment Brief

Assignment Brief
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production – Games Design
Unit number and title
Unit 4 - Creative Media Production Management Project
Unit 5 - Working to a Brief in the Creative Industries

Assessor name
Iain Goodyear
Date issued
Monday 8th February, 2016
Hand in deadline
Friday 10th June, 2016

Assignment title
IG3 Final Major Project
Purpose of this assignment is to:

Unit 4 LO1: Be able to originate, develop and research an idea for a media product
Unit 4 LO2: Be able to pitch a proposal for a media product
Unit 4 LO3: Be able to manage a production process to create a media product.
Unit 5 LO1: Understand the requirements of working to a brief
Unit 5 LO2: Be able to develop a planned response to a brief
Unit 5 LO3: Be able to apply a response to a brief
Unit 5 LO4: Be able to review work on completion of a brief.

As a games design specialist approaching the end of your two year programme of study, the time has come to demonstrate your ability in managing an independently devised production through the stages of pre-production, production and post-production.
You must devise initial ideas and select one that you will further develop using a broad combination of skills that you have acquired over the past two years of studying your BTEC extended diploma.
The project must relate to one or more disciplines across audio, game design, concept art, 2D digital graphics and 3D modelling.
You must demonstrate that you are able to plan in advance all stages of production and adhere to a production schedule that you yourself have devised.
You must also, if encountered, evidence how you adapt to changes in your production schedule and overcome production difficulties.
Good luck!
This assignment will demonstrate that you can do the following:
·         Independently manage a creative games design related production from start to finish.
·         Produce pre-production evidence for a specific games design related production.
·         Use games design related production technologies to produce and post-produce a specific games related production.
Task 1 – Different Types of Creative Production Briefs
Define and summarise the following range of creative production briefs:
·         Contractual
·         Commission
·         Negotiated
·         Tender
·         Formal
·         Co-operative
·         Informal
·         Competition

In addition, you must also provide a summary of professional self-development opportunities working to each of the briefs would provide for you in the following categories:
1.     Communication
2.     Time management
3.     Technical skills
4.     Career progression

In addition, you must gather examples of creative production client briefs and annotate said examples, providing information in your own words under the following categories:
1.     Who is the client?
2.     What media product(s) does the client require?
3.     What is the timescale to deliver the product(s) to the client?
4.     Who is the intended target audience the client wishes the product(s) to appeal to?
5.     What are the legal and ethical issues relating to the production?
6.     What constraints do you have to work within (budget, length of product, format)?

This provides evidence for unit 5 P1, M1, D1

Task 2 – Ideas Generation
Use a range of idea generation techniques, including mind maps, spider diagrams and any other appropriate methods, to come up with some initial ideas for a specific games design production.
This provides evidence for unit 4 P1, M1, D1 & unit 5 P2/M2/D2
Task 3 – Final Major Project Pitch
Prepare a pitch
·         Finalise ideas for your games releated product
·         Prepare a project proposal in response to the brief
·         Prepare a presentation including visual aids, delegate notes and presenter’s notes
·         Give the presentation in the form of a pitch to the client

This provides evidence for unit 4 P2/M2/D2
Task 4 - Research
Produce detailed research specific to your chosen Final Major Project idea. This research must include:
·         Technical code analysis of relevant games related products that have influenced your own Final Major Project idea.
·         Analysis of any websites, books and journals that you have researched to help you form your Final Major Project idea.
·         Primary research via questionnaire and/or focus group.                                                                                                                                                                                  

This provides evidence for unit 4 P1, M1, D1
Task 5 – Pre-Production
Use pre-production techniques to draw up plans for your chosen production.
You must include the following, but are not limited exclusively to (specific to your production idea):
·         Sketches and initial art work/design concepts
·         Level designs
·         Game scripting schematics
·         Sound design scripts
·         Risk assessments
·         Character designs
·         Game narrative descriptions
·         Character profile descriptions
·         Colour palettes

This provides evidence for unit 4 P3, M3, D3 & unit 5 P3/M3/D3
Task 6 – Final Major Project Production
Produce the media production as per the brief.
This provides evidence for unit 4 P3, M3, D3 & unit 5 P3/M3/D3
Task 7 - Evaluation
Using a range of web 2.0 technologies, evaluate your success in responding to your Final Major Project brief.
You must first gather audience feedback through online exhibition and the collation of questionnaire and focus group audience feedback. This feedback must be compiled and analysed prior to producing your evaluation.
Your evaluation must contain detailed information that is specific to the following areas of your Final Major Project:
1.     Technical quality of final product (images, footage, use of sound, editing, layout, composition)
2.     Production skills you have newly acquired and existing skills you have further developed
3.     How closely your final product matches your original intentions (outlined in your Final Major Project proposal)
4.     Time management and problem solving (scheduling, practical constraints and strategies you used to overcome constraints)
5.     Reaching your target audience (audience response, your reactions to positive and negative criticism with reference to audience feedback you have gathered)
6.     Summary conclusion of how you would respond to your project brief if you were to do it again                                                                           

This provides evidence for unit 5 P4, M4, D4
Evidence checklist
Task 1: 1 x word processed report that provides detailed information relating to different types of creative production briefs.
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Task 2: A range of ideas generation evidence using a broad range of appropriate techniques.
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Task 3: 1 x final project proposal form. 1 x visual slideshow for use in pitch. 1 x set of cue cards for use in pitch. 1 x recorded video of pitch presentation.
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Task 4: Primary research evidence via questionnaire and/or focus group. Secondary research analysis gathered from a range of secondary sources. 1 x secondary research references document produced in MS Word.
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Task 5: A range of pre-production documentation that is appropriate to your chosen production.
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Task 6: 1 x final major project production.
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Task 7: 1 x detailed evaluation produced using a range of web 2.0 technologies.
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Sources of information