Task 6 FMP Final Product

This first weapon was not something just done in a week- though, in my opinion, it does look as such. Instead, such a weapon was designed over at least a month, along with the other two below. This sword has the description of what it is and how it fits into lore, as well as the colours that should have been used, and the character(s) wielding it. 

The weapon's lore ties into that of the world's own lore, something I painstakingly created over the course of four-to-six weeks, and something that troubled me greatly on how to make generic, but at the same tine unique. This process followed with each sword below, and with each sword and each piece of lore, was at least two days spent figuring out how to introduce it into the world's lore without plot holes- or, at least, noticeable plot holes. 

With this weapon being based off of the small combat knife, karambit, and the legendary sword of Excalibur, along with other such weapons as Durandil, and a scimitar from pirate legends.

This weapon was, by far, the easiest weapon on this list- simply because i just drew a generic straight sword and wrapped vines around it. This weapon's idea came to me while i was searching the internet for other weapons to use- the idea of an 'organic weapon' interested me, and so Google search had found me with [PROTOTYPE] and Alex Mercer's infamous arm-blade. A weapon made of nothing but organic material? the idea was too good to pass up, but then came a new idea- "What if the weapon wasn't made of some sort of shape-shifting biomass, but simple nature?"

This weapon came from that idea, and thus its lore was created. After the painstaking task of lore-creation and integration into the main lore, I then began its design- something that took longer than I'd like to admit- and before i knew it, I had a newly-created straight sword on the paper. The nature idea came back, and thus the vines that began to be formed around it, and before it became discernible as a weapon, it was created and finalised, the colours being written down as to what colours should be which, and eventually the creation was Photoshopped and coloured with Illustrator. 

This last weapon is my pride and joy- and also my reason to begin hating designing of weaponry. This blade took me far too long to create; a good month of lore creation, weapons development, integration into lore and other things included. 

Based off of a sword often seen in Anime, Manga and the occasional fantasy game, this weapon quickly became a small project rather than an addition to the list of weaponry needed for this concept art. The sword, known as a Zanbatou (Zanbato in Western Culture), has seen appearance in many Anime, Manga, the occasional video game, and has been referenced in books and even made appearances in films. 

With the weapon being a massive cleaver-like weapon, I had to give it a lore that suited the cleaver's 'personality' so to speak, and thus the lore that was, in the end, created, suited perfectly- a suicidal maniacal serial killer just given release from prison with the sword he took lives with so often that the blood became one with the blade as his only companion? something straight out of a horror story, or at least a good game with good lore.