Task 5 FMP Planning

This is a collection of images done by me to convey the different types of armour pieces that may or may not be used within the final product. Each piece has been labeled with what gender they can be used for, but in reality each piece can be used for either gender, save for the obvious ones of skirts and dresses. Since I was originally going to make each piece separate from the page, I chose to compress them all on to one page; sadly, the original images perished due to unforeseen circumstances.

While none of them are colourful, or they may not be used in the final images, they show diversity in the armour types, and show diversity in the clothing as well. The final pieces of these armour types will, obviously, be coloured in a way that shows some form of realism, alongside the fantasy feel I was hoping to approach.

Some armour pieces that are here won't be used for the final piece, but then again, some pieces being used on the final piece aren't here either.

This is what happens when i play with the idea of putting an animal in or not; I eventually decided not to, but the evidence of the animal being created is here anyway. Due to how simple they are, and how familiar with them i am, the breed would have been a Labrador, with the colour of it being either black or dark chocolate brown. 

The Labrador would have been the pet of character 2 (Two), and would have had armour plating covering the sides and the neck, keeping vital areas covered. While the dog wouldn't have had any weapons with it- for obvious reasons- it would have had a small backpack on it that contained daggers or short swords for one of the characters to use. 

The dog's designation was originally a follower to the main character- but them that was scrapped and it them became a sort of 'radial' companion- a companion that gathers objects for you, but doesn't engage in combat with you or the enemy. 

While the hairstyles are basic, and there are only six of them, they were originally going to be scrapped in place of whatever hair i could decide up on the spot at a later date; I decided to keep them as not only would it show evidence, it would also give me more ideal options to choose hairstyles from later on if i could not come up with any more to use. While there are only six hairstyles, each one has been decided upon as a 'final piece', or a hairstyle that is both a buildup to the final piece, and part of the final itself. 

Each hairstyle was also going to have differing colours; for example, the top left hairstyle- From this view it would be top right- would be purple, while the middle bottom- from this view, middle left- would have been a sea green, or an aqua colour. 

This image shows my idea of putting tribal tattoos on each character- right now there are only two due to the fact that this idea was scrapped pretty early on, but the idea still remains. While there won't be any tattoos on any of the characters anymore, these tattoos will remain as a side plan. Meaning, that if I have enough time, I will incorporate them into the characters when and how I feel like it. 

Each tattoo was going to be a shade of either dark red, blue, green or black; while the above image is in black and white simply because the idea was scrapped early on, all three were going to be photoshopped to be red, or differing shades of green and black, with hints of blue. 

These weapons are simply me dicking around with the idea of a scythe and some sort of karambit being introduced into my final piece; the idea was eventually scrapped, simply because a karambit is a more modern weapon than i am using currently, and the scythe doesn't fit any of the characters. Somewhere down the road I entertained the idea of putting in a Trench Knife, but again, it wouldn't have worked and, in the end, was scrapped along with the rest of the ideas. 

As none of these suited any of the characters or the idea i was going for, they were used as a basis for something else- for example, the karambit's blade was used as the framework for the blade of a scimitar-like weapon, and the scythe's shaft was used for a straight sword's pommel. 

These blades, unlike the weapons and armours above, actually made it into the final pieces- with the left-most blade being scrapped, while the right-most blade made itself the framework for a different sword that was one of the final pieces. The blade in the middle was, sadly, discarded as nothing more than an idea- it was, to put plainly, useless, and thus found no need for it did I.

The right-most blade was, if used in the final product, going to be a deep blue with tints of red around the edges of the blade, with the pommel being a straight green colour and the 'vines' around the pommel/handle being dark green and blue.

Each blade, while some were scrapped and others were useless, were drawn rushingly, each one with little care to the drawings, themselves, the exception being the right-most blade.